Падение базы при добавлении нового типа товара в drupal commerce

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Аватар пользователя roman-yrv roman-yrv 28 ноября 2012 в 12:44

Добрый день.

В тестовых целях установил набор модулей Drupal Commerce.

И при добавлении нового типа товара возникает следующая ошибка

Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception.


PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = :language WHERE s.source = :source AND s.context = :context AND s.textgroup = 'default'; Array ( [:language] => ru [:source] => Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML tags. Also allows enabling of module-provided filters. [:context] => ) in locale() (line 684 of Z:\home\dc2\www\modules\locale\locale.module).


PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: INSERT INTO {watchdog} (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5, :db_insert_placeholder_6, :db_insert_placeholder_7, :db_insert_placeholder_8, :db_insert_placeholder_9); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => 1 [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => php [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => %type: !message in %function (line %line of %file). [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => a:6:{s:5:"%type";s:12:"PDOException";s:8:"!message";s:495:"SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = :language WHERE s.source = :source AND s.context = :context AND s.textgroup = 'default'; Array ( [:language] => ru [:source] => Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML tags. Also allows enabling of module-provided filters. [:context] => ) ";s:9:"%function";s:8:"locale()";s:5:"%file";s:44:"Z:\home\dc2\www\modules\locale\locale.module";s:5:"%line";i:684;s:14:"severity_level";i:3;} [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => 3 [:db_insert_placeholder_5] => [:db_insert_placeholder_6] => http://dc2/admin/commerce/products/types/t-shirts/fields [:db_insert_placeholder_7] => http://dc2/node [:db_insert_placeholder_8] => [:db_insert_placeholder_9] => 1354091678 ) in dblog_watchdog() (line 154 of Z:\home\dc2\www\modules\dblog\dblog.module).

Uncaught exception thrown in shutdown function.

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: DELETE FROM {semaphore} WHERE (value = :db_condition_placeholder_0) ; Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 209406693150b5cc9e333945.05990186 ) in lock_release_all() (line 269 of Z:\home\dc2\www\includes\lock.inc).

Uncaught exception thrown in session handler.

PDOException: There is already an active transaction in _drupal_session_write() (line 209 of Z:\home\dc2\www\includes\session.inc).

И что самое неприятное - после возникновения данной ошибки сайт просто не хочет запускаться - выводит следующее

Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception.


PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = :language WHERE s.source = :source AND s.context = :context AND s.textgroup = 'default'; Array ( [:language] => ru [:source] => Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML tags. Also allows enabling of module-provided filters. [:context] => ) in locale() (line 684 of Z:\home\dc2\www\modules\locale\locale.module).


PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: INSERT INTO {watchdog} (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5, :db_insert_placeholder_6, :db_insert_placeholder_7, :db_insert_placeholder_8, :db_insert_placeholder_9); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => 1 [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => php [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => %type: !message in %function (line %line of %file). [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => a:6:{s:5:"%type";s:12:"PDOException";s:8:"!message";s:495:"SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: SELECT s.lid, t.translation, s.version FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = :language WHERE s.source = :source AND s.context = :context AND s.textgroup = 'default'; Array ( [:language] => ru [:source] => Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML tags. Also allows enabling of module-provided filters. [:context] => ) ";s:9:"%function";s:8:"locale()";s:5:"%file";s:44:"Z:\home\dc2\www\modules\locale\locale.module";s:5:"%line";i:684;s:14:"severity_level";i:3;} [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => 3 [:db_insert_placeholder_5] => [:db_insert_placeholder_6] => http://dc2/ [:db_insert_placeholder_7] => [:db_insert_placeholder_8] => [:db_insert_placeholder_9] => 1354091700 ) in dblog_watchdog() (line 154 of Z:\home\dc2\www\modules\dblog\dblog.module).

Вопрос - кто-нибудь с таким сталкивался ?
И как такие вещи лечатся, кроме как полным восстановлением базы данных с бэкапа ?

Кстати, для эксперимента устанавливал пакет Commerce KickStart - тоже помню, были проблемы именно при работе с категориями.
