Установлен Ubercart (OpenStore) с недавних пор пропало меню при переходе в admin/store
в модуле uc_store есть код
* Themes the dashboard on the admin/store page.
* ingroup themeable
function theme_uc_admin_dashboard($type, $menus) {
if ($type == 1) {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_store') .'/uc_store.js', 'module');
drupal_add_js(array('ucTextShow' => t('- Show links -'), 'ucTextHide' => t('- Hide links -')), 'setting');
$output = '<table class="uc-store-admin-table" align="center"><tr valign="top">';
$panel = 0;
if (is_array($menus)) {
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
if ($panel % 4 == 0) {
$output .= '</tr><tr valign="top">';
$panel_title = $menu['title'];
if ($type == 3) {
$panel_links = '';
else {
$panel_links = theme('admin_block_content', system_admin_menu_block(menu_get_item($menu['href'])));
$panel_table = '<table width="100%"><tr>'
.'<td>'. l(uc_store_get_icon($menu['href']), $menu['href'],
array('html' => TRUE)) .'</td>'
.'<td class="panel-title">'. l($menu['title'], $menu['href'])
if (strlen($panel_links) > 0) {
if ($type == 1) {
$disp = 'display: none;';
$panel_table .= '<tr><td nowrap colspan="2" class="panel-links" '
.'style="'. $disp .'">'. $panel_links .'</td></tr>';
if ($type == 1) {
$panel_table .= '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2" '
.'class="panel-show-link" id="show-links-'. $panel
.'"><a>'. t('- Show links -') .'</a></td></tr>';
$panel_table .= '</table>';
$output .= '<td class="uc-store-admin-panel" id="panel-'. $panel .'">'
. $panel_table .'</td>';
$output .= '</tr></table>';
return $output;
В своей теме используется код:
<?phpunction administrator_uc_admin_dashboard($type, $menus) {
if ($type == 1) {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_store') .'/uc_store.js', 'module');
drupal_add_js(array('ucTextShow' => t('- Show links -'), 'ucTextHide' => t('- Hide links -')), 'setting');
$output = '<div class="uc-store-admin-table">';
$panel = 0;
if (is_array($menus)) {
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
$panel_title = $menu['title'];
if ($type == 3) {
$panel_links = '';
} else {
$panel_links = theme('admin_block_content', system_admin_menu_block(menu_get_item($menu['href'])));
if ($menu['href'] == 'admin/store/order_management') {
$menu['href'] = 'admin/store/orders/all-orders';
$href = $menu['href'];
list($img_name, ) = explode('/', $href, 0);
$img_name = administrator_id_safe($img_name);
$img_path = path_to_theme() . '/images/admin-dashboard/' . $img_name . '.png';
if (file_exists($img_path)) {
$dash_img = '<div class="dashboard-img">'.theme_image($img_path, $panel_title, $panel_title, FALSE, FALSE).'</div>';
} else {
$dash_img = '';
$panel_links = theme('admin_block_content', system_admin_menu_block(menu_get_item($menu['href'])));
$panel_table = $dash_img;
$panel_table .= '<div class="panel-wrap">';
$panel_table .= '<div class="panel-title">'. l($menu['title'], $menu['href']) .'</div>';
if (strlen($panel_links) > 0) {
if ($type == 1) {
$disp = 'display: none;';
$panel_table .= '<div class="panel-links" style="'. $disp .'">'. $panel_links .'</div>';
if ($type == 1) {
$panel_table .= '<div class="panel-show-link" id="show-links-'. $panel .'"><a>'. t('- Show links -') .'</a></div>';
$panel_table .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="uc-store-admin-panel" id="panel-'. $panel .'">'. $panel_table .'</div>';
$output .= '</div>'.$base_path;
return $output;
Так вот в переменной $menus почему-то нет ни каких записей.
Не пойму где она формируется и в чём может быть проблему. Буду благодарен за помощь.