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Аватар пользователя supergold supergold 2 марта 2012 в 5:42

To celebrate the launch of the European beta test Eligium, we partner with Frogster to distribute 300 invitations to join the early stages of beta testing Eligium Gold.
In recent days, the European version of Eligium begins to unfold in the context of early access, which ends tomorrow, Monday, December 19 … giving way, from 16 hours in the private beta test MMORPG Free to Play.
For the occasion, we join the studio Frogster to distribute 300 invitations to participate in the early stages of beta testing in Europe.
As we are now used to obtain an immediate invitation, go to the pages Coupon MMO or directly at this address. The first Buy Eligium Gold to claim their invitation will receive it by email.
You just have to create an account on the official site and connect to it, then save the beta key to this address. We can therefore join the test server, from hand Monday, December 19 to 16h. Notice the curious!