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"Welcome to the system! Together we will change the world for the better! "These words I found at the end of the page, next to a photo of Sergei Mavrodi, a convicted Russian swindler who created Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox (or MMM), one of the world's largest financial pyramids.
Twenty years after the closure, the MMM revived in a new incarnation. Now it is a technological "financial network of mutual assistance", which uses bitcoin to return it to participants 100% of all investments. If you believe the calculations, the number of MMM participants is 200 million, so that the system can become one of the most powerful bitkoy engines in the world, especially in sectors with low incomes.
Specialists on crypto currency note the high potential of technologies that can change the lives of some of the most vulnerable segments of the population: refugees, people without a bank account, and those who spend less than a dollar a day. At the same time, social influence bitkoyna in reality is more difficult than it may seem from the headlines. Examples such as MMM prove that bitcoin is not an exceptional benefit for developing countries and that new technologies have other potential besides getting people out of suffering.
Social trust
For the first time, I heard about the MMM on a hot day in Kenya in 2016, when I was sitting with my friends' parents in the living room, and they asked me if they needed to participate in the charity bitcoin-action held at their church. A friend from the ward offered them to make a donation, promising that their money would not only help others, but also provide them with access to reliable financial support in the future.They did not know how all this really works, but it was due to investments in bitcoins. They decided to learn from me, like the former head of social innovation Digital Currency Initiative with MIT, whether to get involved in this venture with bitkoynom. It's not worth it. The main scheme MMM remained the same - you promise easy money with the help of a new magic technology.
Over the past two years, the MMM has rapidly proliferated around the world, especially in the southern countries (Kenya, India, Colombia, the Philippines). The pyramid closely links itself with bitkoyn and its marketing material, explaining that "MMM and bitkoyn have a common ideology: they are trying to defeat social inequality, free people from banks and make the world more honest."
With the anarchist implication, which is so often found in forums about crypto-currencies, MMM says:
The existing financial system destroys (sic) us ... We will destroy the existing financial system and build a new one - honest and fair! We have no other choice. We are not slaves. We are people. And we choose freedom!
To some, such statements may seem like a scam, but they find support among millions of people around the world who conduct business in the shadow economy. Studies have shown that these people often do not trust official financial institutions and prefer not to store money in a bank account, but to invest in assets (for example, in cows, cars, etc.) that are a means of storage for them. Such pyramids as MMM use this distrust towards official institutions and expose their products to the unsuspecting people, and they constantly emphasize that banks and the government can not control bitcoyne.
This video "What is Bitcoin", created by MMM from Nigeria, explains why participants should use the crypto currency.