OpenID Foundation awards first code bounties

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Аватар пользователя Гость Гость (не проверено) 11 августа 2007 в 17:29

Немножно поздновато, но, кажется, об этом тут ещё не писалось.

The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce today that it has awarded three code bounties, $5000 each, to Drupal, Plone and DotNetNuke (хе-хе-хе). The announcement was made today during the State of Lightning Talks at the O’Reilly Open Source Conference here in Portland, OR.

The bounty program was announced last year at OSCON ‘06. The bounty is on-going with 7 more bounties to be claimed. These awards come on the heels of the creation of the OpenID Foundation which is aimed at helping fostering the work of the OpenID community.

For more information about the bounty program and how you can participate, head on over to

All of us at the OpenID Foundation are extremely excited about seeing OpenID continue its proliferation and the projects claiming bounties this week are a clear indications that OpenID is really hitting its stride.


Курсив мой. Smile

Лучший ответ

Аватар пользователя chup chup 12 августа 2007 в 5:13

Помнится, мы свой сайт-портал год назад хотели под это баунти загнать. Да так и не справились с ОпенИД - другие приоритеты были.
