Как сообщил d.org 8 часов назад - вышло очередное обновление ядра -> 7.8
Из официального пресс-релиза:
«The eighth maintenance release of the Drupal 7 series. Only bugfixes and small API improvements have been committed. No security fixes are included in this release. New features are only being added to the forthcoming Drupal 8.0 release.
Important note about Drupal 6 -> 7.7 upgrade path for multilingual sites
If you:
upgraded from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.7
had Locale module enabled
had created any content after enabling it
...then you would have run across issue #1164852: (regression) Node bodies display as empty after upgrade to 7.7 from 6.x if the nodes have a language and found that your node bodies went missing. This issue has been fixed in 7.8. Restore your Drupal 6 backup and re-run the upgrade path to 7.8, and everything should work.
If you cannot roll back, there is an experimental script at http://drupal.org/files/issues/tf_reset-1164852-42.php_.txt which removes language information from every field value and disables language support for every field to address the issue. Some users have reported success with this script, but it is not supported officially and may result in future upgrade issues with field data.»
В двух словах: в этом релизе нет обновлений системы безопастности, только исправления и небольшие улучшения API. Готовятся к выходу ветке HEAD 8.0
Обновление с 7.7 прошло без сучка, без задоринки.
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