В модуле Pathauto обнаружена возможность выполнеия XSS. Затронутые версия старше 30 августа 2006. Рекомендуется скачать новые версии модуля.
* Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-2006-018
* Project: Pathauto 4.6, 4.7
* Date: 2006-Sep-05
* Security risk: less critical
* Exploitable from: remote
* Vulnerability: Cross site scripting
It is possible for a malicious user to execute XSS (Cross Site Scripting) by
enticing a victim to click on a specially crafted link. This may lead to
administrator access if certain conditions are met.
Learn more about XSS on Wikipedia
------------VERSIONS AFFECTED------------
Please check the CVS $Id$ fields in the file pathauto_node.inc to determine
whether the version you are running is vulnerable. Versions older than the
following are vulnerable:
* Drupal 4.6 - /* $Id: pathauto_node.inc,v 2006/08/30 19:16:25
greggles Exp $ */
* Drupal 4.7 - /* $Id: pathauto_node.inc,v 2006/08/30 20:29:16
greggles Exp $ */
Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use pathauto, there is nothing you
need to do.
Install the latest version:
* Pathauto for Drupal 4.6
* Pathauto for Drupal 4.7