установил модуль vote up/down, а также link. Включил storylink. Положил а в папку с шаблоном файл node-storylink.tpl.php, выключил авто виджет в админ панели vote up/down
Потом я так понимаю надо добавить в template.php из шаблона код который идет в template.php модуля vote up/down. Копирую, вставляю и сайт падает с ошибкой Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _phptemplate_variables() (previously declared in /usr/home/
В инструкции написано:
The "vote_storylink.module" give a new node type that is well suited
for a digg.com/reddit.com style site. It provides two blocks.
* A user navigation block with links to, "submit new story", "my account",
"my posts" and "log out".
* A "Top story links" block with links to "this day", "this week",
"this month", "this year" and "all time".
If you use a PHPTemplate theme you can theme story links nodes with a
"node-storylink.tpl.php" file.
An example "node-storylink.tpl.php" and "template.php" is included.
Place them in the folder of your theme. The examples are styled with the
css file "vote_up_down.css" in the vote_up_down module folder.
In "alternative" there are a "node-storylink.tpl.php" for use with the
"Alternative +1 vote style" (digg style) voting widget.
The example include these functions:
* Make the title an external link to the submitted story.
* Inserts the voting widget directly for greater control.
* Inserts the domain of the submitted story url like "(via example.com)".
* Displays a small user picture above the voting widget.
OBS! When using "node-storylink.tpl.php" you must turn off
"Vote widget display..." in "admin/settings/vote_up_down" to avoid
getting double voting widgets.