Доброго времени Гуру.
Впервые делаю для себя сайтик, решил прикрутить Views Galleriffic, скачал модуль, докачал что требуется, поставил, включил.
Но а админ панели - нет этого Views Galleriffic.
ссылка на сам модуль http://drupal.org/project/views_galleriffic
подскажите - как его запустить?
уже подсказали
проблема в следующем
когда добавляю View то выдает это и не сохраняется.
не могу понять что не так и где... все уже перерыл.
подскажите плиз куда смотреть? где я не так сделал.
Display "Defaults" uses fields but there are none defined for it or all are excluded.
Views Galleriffic requires you to assign a field for "slide_field". Currently the "slide_field" is empty. Click 'Row Style: Galleriffic Fields' to set.
Views Galleriffic requires you to assign a field for "thumbnail_field". Currently the "thumbnail_field" is empty. Click 'Row Style: Galleriffic Fields' to set.
Views Galleriffic requires you to assign a field for "title_field". Currently the "title_field" is empty. Click 'Row Style: Galleriffic Fields' to set.
Views Galleriffic requires you to assign a field for "description_field". Currently the "description_field" is empty. Click 'Row Style: Galleriffic Fields' to set.
Views Galleriffic does not allow you to use the same field instance twice. You can use the same field twice, and are encouraged to for images. You just need to make two instances of the same field. To do add the same field twice under 'Fields'. Give each a different label. Then select each instance of that field once under 'Row style: Galleriffic Fields'. See README.txt for details.
Views Galleriffic does not allow you to use the same field instance twice. You can use the same field twice, and are encouraged to for images. You just need to make two instances of the same field. To do add the same field twice under 'Fields'. Give each a different label. Then select each instance of that field once under 'Row style: Galleriffic Fields'. See README.txt for details.
Views Galleriffic does not allow you to use the same field instance twice. You can use the same field twice, and are encouraged to for images. You just need to make two instances of the same field. To do add the same field twice under 'Fields'. Give each a different label. Then select each instance of that field once under 'Row style: Galleriffic Fields'. See README.txt for details.