<?php // $Id: views-view.tpl.php,v 2010/03/25 20:25:23 merlinofchaos Exp $ /** * file views-view.tpl.php * Main view template * * Variables available: * - $classes_array: An array of classes determined in * template_preprocess_views_view(). Default classes are: * .view * .view-[css_name] * .view-id-[view_name] * .view-display-id-[display_name] * .view-dom-id-[dom_id] * - $classes: A string version of $classes_array for use in the class attribute * - $css_name: A css-safe version of the view name. * - $css_class: The user-specified classes names, if any * - $header: The view header * - $footer: The view footer * - $rows: The results of the view query, if any * - $empty: The empty text to display if the view is empty * - $pager: The pager next/prev links to display, if any * - $exposed: Exposed widget form/info to display * - $feed_icon: Feed icon to display, if any * - $more: A link to view more, if any * - $admin_links: A rendered list of administrative links * - $admin_links_raw: A list of administrative links suitable for theme('links') * * ingroup views_templates ?> */
изучите views и поймете что это легко делается)
// $Id: views-view.tpl.php,v 2010/03/25 20:25:23 merlinofchaos Exp $
* file views-view.tpl.php
* Main view template
* Variables available:
* - $classes_array: An array of classes determined in
* template_preprocess_views_view(). Default classes are:
* .view
* .view-[css_name]
* .view-id-[view_name]
* .view-display-id-[display_name]
* .view-dom-id-[dom_id]
* - $classes: A string version of $classes_array for use in the class attribute
* - $css_name: A css-safe version of the view name.
* - $css_class: The user-specified classes names, if any
* - $header: The view header
* - $footer: The view footer
* - $rows: The results of the view query, if any
* - $empty: The empty text to display if the view is empty
* - $pager: The pager next/prev links to display, if any
* - $exposed: Exposed widget form/info to display
* - $feed_icon: Feed icon to display, if any
* - $more: A link to view more, if any
* - $admin_links: A rendered list of administrative links
* - $admin_links_raw: A list of administrative links suitable for theme('links')
* ingroup views_templates
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slides1').jcarousel();});
<style>.jcarousel-skin-tango #slides1 .jcarousel-item { width:250px;} </style>
<div class="line2"></div>
<div class="element caorusel"><h2>Рнтервью</h2>
<div class=" jcarousel-skin-tango">
<div class="jcarousel-container jcarousel-container-horizontal" style="position: relative; display: block; ">
<div class="jcarousel-clip jcarousel-clip-horizontal"
style="overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; position: relative; ">
<ul id="slides1" class="jcarousel-list jcarousel-list-horizontal"
style="overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; position: relative; top: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; width: 1950px; left: 0px; ">
<?php print $rows; ?>
<div class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-prev-horizontal jcarousel-prev-disabled jcarousel-prev-disabled-horizontal"
style="display: block; " disabled="true"></div>
<div class="jcarousel-next jcarousel-next-horizontal" style="display: block; " disabled="false"></div>
Вот такая вот штука. $rows - это видать и есть переменная, отвечающая за категорию и тд. Можно ли к ней свойства добавить какие-нибудь или нет?
Какие свойства вы хотите добавить?